Regime measures in facial nerve palsy

Regimen measures in facial nerve palsy (facial palsy, Bell's palsy):

Hold the healthy side of the face when speaking. Your physiotherapist will show you the position. The idea is to prevent the healthy side of the face from dominating and thus deepening the facial asymmetry. The healthy side is stronger and tends to pull the affected side towards it, which is undesirable.

Avoid prolonged conversations. Again, because of the deepening asymmetry of the facial muscles.

Try to keep your facial expression to a minimum.

A liquid or mushy diet is preferable.

Maintain maximum rest. Try to rest and spare your facial muscles.

Spare your eyes as well, which may lose the ability to moisten and tear and also close the eyelids themselves. So minimize time spent on the computer and television and reading.

It is necessary to moisturize your eye with drops during the day. At night, it is advisable to apply eye ointment and cover the eye with a covering sterile dressing and also help the eye to close fully.

Protect yourself from cold and draughts.

Prefer heat (warm packs, warming the affected part of the face).

Sleep on your back or the healthy side of your face.

If you learn a movement in therapy, repeat it in moderation to avoid overexercising the muscle.

Do not overdo it with strength exercises. The healthy side will win and the facial expression will develop unwanted contortions.

Always consult a physician before attending physiotherapy. Have eye ointment and drops prescribed and apply these during the day and at night.