Instructions before and after manual lymphatic drainage

Manual lymphatic drainage - feeling lighter legs, reducing swelling after surgeries, cleansing the body and jump-starting the organism

-> effective help from the "feeling of heavy legs"

-> a way to jump-start the body

-> eliminating fatigue

-> energy replenishment

-> stress reduction

-> reduce swelling

-> improve skin surface

Duration of manual lymphatic drainage: 1 hour.

How often: initially even once a week at least 4-6 times in a row, then maintenance treatment 1-2 times a month

Before the therapy: do not apply cream, leave the skin dry, not perfused, drink a lot.

What not to do after the therapy: do not plan long car journeys and activities with high physical demand, do not eat heavy meals, red meat, do not drink alcohol, do not smoke, do not do anything that would excessively blood the skin (hot bath, sauna, massage, sports activity with high intensity).

What is advisable: rest or light sporting activity (recreational swimming, walking, breathing exercises), light meals, herbal teas to promote lymph flow.

What is necessary: increase intake of pure water.

How I will feel after the therapy: the first three sessions are usually the most demanding, so they should be scheduled so that you do not expect excessive physical and mental stress or a long car journey afterwards. After the first therapy, fatigue usually occurs only immediately after the therapy, while other patients may experience an immediate increase in energy; you may have a dry mouth, feel thirsty, go to the toilet more often, urine may be more concentrated, darker in colour and smell, and you may experience emotional outbursts (crying, laughing, tearing, increased dream fantasies, night sweats). Other effects include a feeling of complete relaxation and regained energy, feeling light on the feet and a reduction in swelling. Each person responds differently and therefore the feelings after therapy may also vary.

When it is suitable (indication) x When it is not suitable (contraindication)


In general, it could be said that manual lymphatic drainage works well if you are suffering:

1) swelling (apart from swelling caused by organ failure of the heart, lungs, kidneys or liver)

  • venous swelling
  • varices (varicose veins)
  • varicose veins
  • post-traumatic or post-surgical swelling, e.g. in the joint area
  • lymphoedema
  • swelling after mammary ablation

2) lowered immunity, lack of energy, stress, decreased bowel function and want to increase the body's defenses, energy and relax and improve bowel movements

3) cosmetic problems like acne, cellulitis (cellulite), scars, wrinkles

4) pain (in the sense of migraines, but also post-surgery and post-trauma conditions)


  • Diseases of the heart, lungs, kidneys, liver that are not under the control of a physician
  • acute inflammatory infectious diseases, viruses, use of antibiotics
  • in the course of cancer (lymphoma)
  • open wounds
  • aneurysms
  • condition after stroke, diseases with general hypotonia

Manual versus instrumental lymphatic drainage

No instrument is as sensitive and precise as the human hand. In addition, for successful therapy you need to open the lymph nodes in the neck and groin at least, which the device does not do and without opening them the therapy may not be successful. Instrumental lymphatic drainage can be a good complement to manual lymphatic drainage. The human hand is much more precise, it can adjust the pressure, increase or decrease it), which unfortunately the device cannot do.